What Begins To Happen When You Eliminate Distractions - Benita Williams Restination Program Retreat
distractions, eliminate, everything by faith, Freedom Entrepreneur, Peter Carey

What Begins To Happen When You Eliminate Distractions

As a Creative Freedom Expert, I have to be intentional about allowing myself time to be creative. Every new book, business, or collaborative idea comes as a result of making time to be in the creative process. It is in the creative process where we gain innovative strategies, powerful alliances, ground-breaking business developments, etc.… It is important to protect our creative freedoms; to continue to think outside of the box.

One of the enemies of creativity is distractions. Distractions are the enemy of creativity. In his book, “Freedom Entrepreneur: Why hard work causes business failure and what to do about it,” author Peter Carey discusses the difference between being proactive verses being reactive. A proactive approach to business is about developing conscious awareness so that you can be in a state of grounded control. You are calmly and deliberately moving through agenda items within your business. You must be free from distractions.

Contrarily, when you act out of urgency, you are being reactive to situations. If you find yourself constantly responding to urgent or immediate situations in business, you may in fact be reacting to distractions. Distractions keep you from being in a state of grounded control. If you find yourself being more reactive to situations than proactive there are some things you can do to turn things around.

One thing you can do (according to “Freedom Entrepreneur”) is stop working on the urgent and start working on the important. In other words, stop reacting to every urgent matter (distractions) and start being proactive about the important matters in business; like setting priorities to change the order in which you do things.

In my book, “Everything By Faith,” I go into more detail about how proactive response is necessary for creative freedom in business. It has less to do with working in your business (like an employee) and more to do with having the time freedom to work on your business (like a freedom entrepreneur). If you truly want to be free in your business, you must be proactive in eliminating distractions.

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